Look Now Project ™ Survivor Stories
These are the stories of the 25 women and men from Central New York who participated in the Look Now Exhibition in October 2018. You can get a glimpse of the portrait session in each short film.
We hope that our stories can provide support and comfort to all those who have been affected by breast cancer.
Anju is a retired Syracuse City high school science teacher. She was diagnosed in 2006. She had a bilateral mastectomy, TRAM-Flap reconstruction, and chemotherapy. She got nipple tattoos.
Anju has no family history of breast cancer. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor in early 2020, and is passed away in May 2022.
Ann is a retired IT clinical analyst. She was diagnosed in 2013. She had a bilateral mastectomy, silicone implants, chemotherapy, radiation, and Femara. She got nipple tattoos.
Ann lost her mother to breast cancer.
AnnMarie is the Community Manager of Wisdo. She was diagnosed in 2012. She had a bilateral mastectomy, failed silicone implants, DIEP-Flap, nipple tattoos, radiation, prophylactic hysterectomy, and was prescribed Aromatase inhibitors.
AnnMarie’s grandmother was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer.
Bob is a retired cancer patient advocate. He was diagnosed in 1996. He had a unilateral mastectomy, chemotherapy, Tamoxifen (incomplete course).
Bob has no family history of breast cancer.
Colleen is a stay-at-home single mother. She was first diagnosed in 2016 with Stage 4 breast cancer in the right breast, liver, lymph nodes. She was treated with a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation. In 2017 tumors were found in her brained she had a double craniotomy and radiation. Her cancer treatment is ongoing.
Colleen has no family history of breast cancer.
Deirdre is the Vice President of Shades of Inspiration, a community support group. She was diagnosed in 2007. She had a unilateral mastectomy, silicone implant, nipple tattoo, and was prescribed Tamoxifen.
Deirdre lost her mother to breast cancer.
Donna is a pre-school teacher. She was diagnosed in 2006, and had a bilateral mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation. Donna has decided to remain flat with no reconstruction.
Donna has no family history of breast cancer.
Jeanine is a dietician. She was diagnosed in 2002, and had a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation. Her treatment with Tamoxifen did to work out, and she received Arimidex and Lupron.
Jeanine has no family history of breast cancer.
Kathleen is a retired banker. She was diagnosed in 2012. She had a lumpectomy, and radiation. She had a reoccurrence in 2022, and is undergoing treatment.
Kathleen lost her mother and younger sister to breast cancer.
Katrina is the President of the nonprofit Shades of Inspiration. She was diagnosed in 2004. She had a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction using silicone implants and nipple tattoos. She also received chemotherapy.
Katrina has no family history of breast cancer.
Lakshmi is an art historian. She was diagnosed in 1979, and had a unilateral mastectomy. Many years later, Lakshmi had a TRAM-Flap reconstruction, with a nipple tattoo.
Lakshmi’s daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago.
Linda is a retired high school speech-language pathologist. She was first diagnosed in 2000 and had two lumpectomies, chemotherapy, radiation, and also Tamoxifen and Arimidex. Linda had a recurrence in 2006, and chose to have a bilateral mastectomy, and reconstruction using silicone implants. She was also prescribed Arimidex.
Linda has a long history of breast cancer in her family with her grandmother, two first cousins, and a daughter of a first cousin being diagnosed with it.
Patricia is a higher education administrative assistant. She was diagnosed in 2014, and underwent a lumpectomy, reconstruction, chemotherapy, radiation. She was prescribed Herceptin.
Patricia has no family history of breast cancer.
Lisa is a physical rehabilitation program manager, and the Crouse Pink Therapy group leader. She was diagnosed in 2010. She had a lumpectomy, radiation, and was prescribed Tamoxifen.
Lisa has no family history of breast cancer.
Lois was a retired adult educator. She was diagnosed in 1972. She had a unilateral mastectomy, radiation, and TRAM-Flap reconstruction. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2019, and passed away in February 2022.
Lois had a family history of breast cancer, and her aunt and niece on her paternal side were diagnosed and treated for it.
Mary Lou is a Senior living advisor. She was diagnosed in 2015, and had a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction using silicone implants. She also underwent prophylactic ovary removal. She is positive for the ATM mutation.
Mary Lou has a long history of breast cancer in her family, and lost her mother and three aunts to it. Several cousins have also been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Meera is a college professor. She was diagnosed in 2016. She had a nipple saving unilateral mastectomy, and silicone implant.
Meera has no family history of breast cancer.
Patti is a Storage & Spatial Interior Design Consultant. She was diagnosed in 2007. She had a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, radiation, and was prescribed Tamoxifen.
Patti has no family history of breast cancer.
Randi is a retired school psychologist. She was first diagnosed in 2000 and had a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation. Randi had a recurrence in 2005, and had a bilateral mastectomy with no reconstruction. She was prescribed Herceptin.
Randi has no family history of breast cancer.
Rachel is a previvor or someone who is BRCA1 positive and has prophylactic surgery to prevent the onset of breast cancer.
She is a college curriculum specialist, and had a bilateral mastectomy, TRAM-Flap, nipple tattoos, and a prophylactic hysterectomy.
Rachel has an extensive family history of breast cancer and has lost several family members to it.
Richard is a retired postal worker. He was diagnosed in 1998, and had a unilateral mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation, and was prescribed Tamoxifen.
He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2014, and bladder cancer in 2017.
He lost his mother to breast cancer.
Sally is the executive director of a non-profit. She was diagnosed in 2015, and had a lumpectomy, and radiation.
She has no family history of breast cancer.
Shari is a former teacher and a stay-at-home mother. She was first diagnosed in 2012. She had a bilateral mastectomy, silicone implants which had to be removed, chemotherapy, radiation, and was prescribed Tamoxifen.
She was diagnosed with Stage 4 recurrence in her pelvis, and has ongoing treatment.
Her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Tracy is director of college academic operations. She was diagnosed in 2013. She had a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, radiation, and was prescribed Tamoxifen.
She has no family history of breast cancer.
Tula is a college professor. She was diagnosed in 2006. She had two lumpectomies, chemotherapy, bilateral mastectomy, silicone implants, Tamoxifen, and prophylactic ovary removal.
Her first cousin was diagnosed with breast cancer after her.
Anju was one of the very first participants of the Look Now Project. Here is a short documentary we created about her cancer journey. It was edited by Syracuse University student Harrison Daniell as his capstone project.